Triple Double Bonus Poker Pay Table
And 9/7 Triple Double Bonus, which some casinos in Las Vegas still have many of, is the pay table to which I was referring. The difficulty level of a strategy also depends on who created the strategy and the choices they made to simplify it. Triple Play Draw Poker by IGT allows video poker fans to quickly choose between nine of the most popular video poker machines all within the one game. Triple Double Bonus. Handy buttons also allow you to see complete rules and pay tables, or switch out to another game with just two clicks. Then there are Double Double Bonus Poker and Triple Double Bonus Poker. They’re an obvious pairing because they’re the kicker games. You get a big jackpot on four Aces if the fifth card is a 2, 3 or 4, and you get a bigger-than-usual pay on four 2s, 3s or 4s if the fifth card is an Ace, 2, 3 or 4. Double Bonus. The next pay table is a short pay version of true 10/7 double bonus. It pays 239, instead of 250, for a straight flush or four 5-K, with five coins bet. The reason for 239 is to keep the win under $1200, thus avoiding a W2-G form, for a $5 bet ($5 × 239 = $1195). Intro to video poker Current newsletter Video Poker Forum Pro Training Gold Training Game Tips Pay tables Superstitions Do's and don'ts Statistics Dancer's.
Triple Double Bonus Poker Pay Table 2018
The strategy maker for triple double bonus doesn't show 2 high cards in the basic strategy but then shows two to a straight: JK listed as an exception. Maybe it is not complete.
9/7 TDB basic strategy:
Basic Strategy
Free Triple Double Bonus Poker Flash Game
Pat Hand
(more)Four 2's, 3's, 4's with any A,2,3,4; Four Aces with any 2,3,4; Straigh..
4 of a Kind
(more)2222; 3333; 4444; 5555; 6666; 7777; 8888; 9999; TTTT; JJJJ; QQQQ; KKKK..
4 to a Royal Flush TJQA; TJQK; TJKA; TQKA; JQKA
3 of a Kind + 1 Kicker 2223; 2224; 222A; 3332; 3334; 333A; 4442; 4443; 444A; AAA2; AAA3; AAA4
3 of a Kind 222; 333; 444; AAA
Pat Hand Straight; Flush; Full House
3 of a Kind 555; 666; 777; 888; 999; TTT; JJJ; QQQ; KKK
4 to a Straight Flush
(more)A234; A235; A245; A345; 2345; 2346; 2356; 2456; 3456; 3457; 3467; 3567..
1 Pair AA
2 Pair
(more)2233; 2244; 2255; 2266; 2277; 2288; 2299; 22TT; 22JJ; 22QQ; 22KK; 3344..
4 to a Flush
(more)2347; 2348; 2349; 234T; 234J; 234Q; 234K; 2357; 2358; 2359; 235T; 235J..
3 to a Royal Flush TJQ; TJK; TQK; JQA; JQK; JKA; QKA
1 Pair JJ; QQ; KK
3 to a Royal Flush TJA; TQA; TKA
1 Pair 22; 33; 44
4 to a Straight 2345; 3456; 4567; 5678; 6789; 789T; 89TJ; 9TJQ; TJQK
3 to a Straight Flush 789; 8JQ; 9TJ; 9JQ; 9JK; 9QK
1 Pair 88
3 to a Straight Flush 456; 9TQ
1 Pair 77
3 to a Straight Flush 345; 89J; 8TJ
1 Pair TT
3 to a Straight Flush 678
1 Pair 66
3 to a Straight Flush 89T
1 Pair 99
3 to a Straight Flush 567
1 Pair 55
4 to a Straight JQKA
3 to a Flush
(more)2JA; 2JQ; 2JK; 2QA; 2QK; 2KA; 3JA; 3JQ; 3JK; 3QA; 3QK; 3KA; 4JA; 4JQ..
2 to a Royal Flush JA; JQ; JK; QA; QK; KA
3 to a Straight Flush
(more)A23; A24; A25; A34; A35; A45; 234; 235; 245; 346; 356; 457; 467; 568..
4 to a Straight 9JQK; TJQA; TJKA; TQKA
3 to a Straight Flush 89Q; 8TQ; 9TK
3 to a Straight JQK
4 to a Straight 89JQ; 8TJQ; 9TJK; 9TQK
Single Card an Ace
3 to a Flush
(more)23J; 23Q; 24J; 24Q; 25J; 25Q; 26A; 26J; 26Q; 27A; 27J; 27Q; 27K; 28A..
2 to a Royal Flush TJ
3 to a Flush 23K; 24K; 25K; 26K; 34K; 35K; 36K; 45K; 46K; 56K
3 to a Straight TJQ
2 to a Straight JQ (note QJT is better)
3 to a Straight Flush 458; 468; 478; 569; 579; 589; 67T; 68T; 69T
2 to a Royal Flush TQ
3 to a Straight Flush 236; 246; 256; 347; 357; 367
2 to a Straight JK; QK
2 to a Royal Flush TK
Single Card a Jack; a Queen; a King
3 to a Flush
(more)237; 238; 239; 23T; 247; 248; 249; 24T; 257; 258; 259; 25T; 267; 268..
4 to a Straight
(more)2346; 2356; 2456; 3457; 3467; 3567; 4568; 4578; 4678; 5679; 5689; 5789..
![Double Double](
2 to a Straight Flush 34
Garbage Discard everything
Thanks, is this considered one of the more difficult games to remember? Is there a simple strategy anywhere?
It's certainly more difficult than Jacks or Better.
The strategy linked to is complete. You can manually consolidate it into a simpler strategy using whatever notation you're comfortable with. If you follow only the basic strategy (and ignore the exceptions) then you're playing a game that returns 99.5761% (with the full-pay 9/7 paytable). Throw in the exceptions and you'll gain another 0.0017%. You're on your own for identifying the conditions which make each exception apply.
Thanks, is this considered one of the more difficult games to remember? Is there a simple strategy anywhere?
Versus most games yes, this one is more difficult. And nope, no simple strategy made. For most players, it's just better to play 9/6 JoB. Any game where the flush payout is 7 for 1 or higher is more difficult. Is there is a 9/7 TDB in your area even?
I wouldn't touch anything lower than 9/7 either.
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